It is imperative that we have useful, constructive feedback so that we can evaluate and improve our materials and the methodology that we propose, promote and provide, all for FREE! The data required is also FREE! Please take time to fill in this evaluation form and be absolutely honest, otherwise we will not learn anything. Select either YES or NO
Did you have the necessary hardware and internet connectivity to our website for your use?
Did your teacher use our materials and methodology in the classroom?
Did you use one of our Learner Notebooks from the website for your studies?
Did your studying and learning benefit from using these materials & methodology regularly?
Did you like, enjoy and benefit from using this methodology regularly?
Did your interest and enthusiasm in the subject(s) increase?
Did your marks improve by an average of 10 – 20% (or more), using this methodology?
By using our materials and methodology daily, does your own content knowledge improve?
Would it benefit you to use both the website and Learner Notebook for your studies at home?
Would marks improve if teacher used our materials in class and you also used them at home?
Is it important to have a learner workshop to empower learners to use this technology?
Did you make use of our Teams Teacher training workshop in the afternoon at 4 p.m? See website.
Do most SA learners need this software, methodology, Notebooks and training workshop?
Do you believe that implementing this methodology properly, your marks will improve this year?
Did you know that if you don’t have internet at home, you can download our PDF or PP slides?